Waves of Change Programme Overview
Sea fishing constitutes a significant industry in South Africa, particularly along the Western Cape coastline.
Recognizing the need for young individuals with limited education and employment opportunities to contribute to the well-being of their families and communities, the Salesian Institute Youth Projects embarked on a mission to empower youth, who want to work at sea. Situated near the Cape Town harbour, we established partnerships with prominent sea fishing companies within the sector, as well as various accredited training institutions approved by the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).
Together, we provide training facilitation through the Waves of Change Maritime Programme to young men and women between the ages of 18 to 35 coming from disadvantaged backgrounds in and around Cape Town.

The Waves of Change Programme begins with a 3-day Orientation session. Those who progress to the next phase then complete a 10-day Lifeskills Programme, equipping participants with essential life skills. Subsequently, they proceed to complete the required maritime training courses required to ultimately work at sea. These courses culminate in the acquisition of vital SAMSA Medical Certificates, seafarer’s logbooks, as well as certificates of discharge, all of which are prerequisites for a career in seafaring. While the Salesian Institute Youth Projects endevour to cover some of these training and documentation expenses, participants are required to share the financial burden should there not be sufficient funding available. Reduced rates are negotiated with our maritime training partners where possible.
The Waves of Change Programme aims to successfully provide Lifeskills training to around 350 youth and to assist over 3,500 youth through their helpdesk facility per annum.
The maritime industry offers these young individuals a unique career path that remains largely inaccessible in other sectors due to their educational and socio-economic limitations. For those young women who may find the idea of working at sea physically demanding or daunting, the Waves of Change Programme redirects them to the Stitch Ahead Sewing Programme, a 3-month course in basic hand and machine sewing techniques, providing them with a valuable alternate avenue for personal and professional development.